Sunday 21 May 2017

Easy way to smooth and crack less heels

Our heels are more or less like red and juicy tomatoes. Put too much pressure on them and—bam, they expand sideways and split."If you have too much friction or sliding on skin that is thick, eventually the layers will split," says Jacqueline Sutera, a New York City podiatrist and spokesperson for the American Podiatric Medical Association and Vionic Innovation Lab. 

"The problem gets worse as we get older because there's loss of the fat pad on the bottom of the foot, and the body replaces it with callouses." 

The mistake: Flipping here and there in sandals? Yes, it is trendy but hard cracked and not-so-pretty heels are not. Walking in sandals can make your feet dry and rough-to-the-touch within no time. 

You lose your confidence when anyone noticed these dull-dry heels and it’s not even in the favor of your funky summer look. 

The quick fix: Applying Foot Care Cream before going to bed is the best solution. 

Our Pick: Below are the names of Top 5 Foot Care Creams which are easy available all over the Pakistan:
  • Himalaya Herbals Foot Care Cream
  • Eucerin Intensive Repair Foot Cream
  • Burt’s Bees Foot Cream with Vitamin E
  • Neutrogena Foot Cream for Dry Rough Feet
  • Loccitane Shea Butter Foot Cream
 Say bye to dull dark and dull dark and cracked heels.